“In 2004, we used to ask people if they have ever experienced harassment, and the reactions were largely of denial or anger. The ones who got angry at the question, I realised later, had internalised the demarcation that good girls don’t experience harassment, and the reactions were largely of denial or anger. The ones who got angry at the question, I realised later, had internalised the demarcation that good girls don’t experience harassment. That culture needs to change. Out of the few who were willing to share, she says, most women spoke about the clothes they were wearing. “It is here that the ‘I never asked for it’ campaign found seed. They always recalled what they wore. School uniforms to salwar kameez and burqa “It is here that the ‘I never asked for it’ campaign found seed. They always recalled what they wore. School uniforms to salwar kameez and burqa, the modesty of the clothing didn’t change their experience."
Quote by Jasmeen Patheja. Read more
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