Zara S Batliwala
Being an Action Shero in school means that I have a responsibility to no longer sit on the fence and internalise comments in situations where my voice needs to be heard. I will no longer let sexist or racist comments pass by without challenging the ones who said them in the first place, enabling me to uncover what is on the surface and unlocking different perspectives.
In school, I was part of a club that focused on different topics ranging from feminism to should billionaires exist? My fellow peers always raised their hands to share their opinions, whether they agreed or disagreed with the statement. My mouth was always shut because I was scared of the judgement that I might receive. However, this changed when I realised that we are all part of this club for a reason: for our voice to be heard. This gave me the strength to speak my truth and share what has been on my mind these last couple of sessions. I may be quiet, but that doesn’t mean I do not have a voice.
Being an Action Shero also means that I am still learning to voice my thoughts, feelings and opinions to others and that this is a journey, which shows my progress as an Action Shero, as well as a 17-year-old girl in high school that has struggled with the stress and anxiety of school work and exams.
This is an ongoing learning journey for me in which I have the ability to overcome my previous obstacles of sitting on the fence and how that has led me to explore myself as a confident and empowered young woman.
I believe that as an Action Shero, you have to own it to be able to do it.
Johanna Hashmi
2019 / 2021
My ideologies match Blank Noise's vision, and I feel connected to the projects I take up during my internships. I love growing with Blank Noise and believe there is much more I can give to this organisation. Working with Blank Noise has only further strengthened my passion.
Being an Action Shero is advocating for everyone and fighting for truth and justice wherever possible. Working with marginalisedcommunities and giving back to my own.
Neha Talla
The #INeverAskForIt Mission speaks to me because it’s so needed. Individuals all around the world face sexual violence and I think the#INeverAskForIt mission is such an impactful way for us to stand together
Jasmin Hellmich
When I sat on my intern desk, In front of me were two large charts, filled with scribbles of over 30 different handwritings. Each scribble gave me an age, a place and a description of their experience with sexual harassment. Reading through the lists, I began to understand what Blank Noise was all about. I began to understand. This is the first step to being an Action Shero. We are Sheroes because we have the strength to endure the truth about the way women are treated in some societies. And we are Action Sheroes because we are willing to do something about it. I Never Ask For It.
Hardik Maheswari
We are just keeping it (thoughts on gender equality and equal rights) at the back of our minds and we are not doing anything about it . We are letting it stay there and its being stagnant and that stagnancy is causing more toxicity around us . We are just satisfying ourselves with our thoughts on Gender Equality. Our actions don’t show that.