Laugh. Roar. Cackle. Witchlike
Giggle. Show your teeth. Your tongue. Flail your body.
Laughing women. Unleashed friendships.
Kas Kay Has / कस के हस - Hahaha Sangha
Hahaha Sangha was initiated in Yelahanka in 2012 with students of Srishti Institute of Art Design and Technology and the residents of Yelahanka. It serves to be a pilot for neighbourhood projects geared towards fostering friendships, enabling belonging , safety, expression and freedom.
Create a Hahahah Sangha with the residents in your neighbourhood.
Create a community of Action Sheroes/ Heroes/ Theyroes.
write to us at
The Hahaha Sangha brings together an inter generational, diverse group of women to occupy their neighbourhood park, with laughter.
The pilot Hahaha Sangha initiative was led by Yelahanka Action Heroes, also students of Srishti Institute of Art Design and Technology in 2012, enrolled for a month long workshop with Blank Noise, along with residents of Yelahanka.
The Hahaha Sangha replaced an environment of threat and danger, with friendship, laughter, and belonging. Yelahanka Action Heroes established a familiarity with place and its people. Anonymity was broken. Relationships initiated. Biases broken. Stereotypes challenged. A neighbourhood felt safe.
The initiative takes the form of a laughter club, and is intended towards building safe and inclusive environments for women and all persons.
Hahaha Sangha President : Action Hero Yashodha
Hahaha Sangha Vice President : Action Hero Renuka
Hahaha Sangha Mantris : Action Hero Sampige, Action Hero Babita, Action Hero Reba, Action Hero Aastha , Action Hero Pallavi, Action Hero Arushi.