The latest stage of this project is “Did you ask for it?” Patheja has asked people to send her clothes that they were wearing when they were sexually harassed or threatened on the streets. “Since the common perspective is that women ‘ask for it on account of the clothing they wear’, I want to confront this justification for sexual offence. The clothes will take the form of testimonies that have been witness to an incident. When clothes from different The clothes will take the form of testimonies that have been witness to an incident. When clothes from different parts of the world are put together, the question can be asked again. This is an ongoing project and I am still waiting for clothes to reach me.”
Quote by Jasmeen Patheja. Read more
© 2003-2024 Blank Noise / I Never Ask For It
“Since the common perception is what women ask for it on the account of the clothing they wear , I want to confront this justification for sexual offence. The clothes will take the form of testimonies that have been witness to an incident”.
Quote by Jasmeen Patheja. Read More